Sunday, 31 July 2011

Sex or Not to Sex ??!!

Sex topics always disclosed from public~

This topic is not to encourage youngster to have sexual intercourse during their school age time or adults to having an affair relationship.

Well, nowadays having sexual intercourse during school age among youngster group isn't new story. We have to admit the world is changing ( Not worries, i'm ain't old sluts ).
Sexual needs is natural desire from our body since the world is created  , don't be shame to admit on it.
I'm not offending any body here. Don't you admit this topics is hot & attractive too??
From some research, having a healthy good sexual intercourse regularly, it's help to build up personal confidence and it's burn loads of calories .
So. why should we do feel shame for having sexual intercourse with someone ?? It's just natural needs.
Come on, sexual intercourse is the most wonderful exercise if both parties are satisfied together from their soul to body.

For MAN, please do remember , having sweet talk , kissing & hugging from foreplay till after play is important , it's better than you turn over and sleep as pig after sexual intercourse. ( I HATE THIS TYPE OF GUYS THE MOST )  Keep this in mind.

It's ain't easy to had a great sexual intercourse experience in lifetime.

Well, i don't give a fuck  with " you cant have it with your boyfriend /girlfriend cause both of you still student ", if their able take good protection and understand their responsibilities , why not ??
Adult make mistake too, we are not perfect human being, think twice before you saying this sentence to youngster.

Well, i hate having sexual intercourse with condoms and i do believe most of the people was hate it too although it's giving protection against pregnancy and etc.

I'm not encourage sexual intercourse without protection. But i do trust there is another way of it.

For ladies , do not ever think that taking protection is only from man side, our gals must protect our self as well, take pills or ask your partner use condoms , if really without both, please do take morning after pill within 48hrs after sexual intercourse. ( but avoid take morning after pill often, it's bad for health )

As for man, taking protections is man's responsibility for those who ask their ladies take protection is a big lousy jerk , if you can't do it, don't having intercourse with your lady.

Sex before marriage or after marriage has no different , the most important is SAFETY COME FIRST.
And never use sexual intercourse as an excuse to threatening your partner in a relationship, it's only showing you were a dumb asshole if you did it.And never blame him/her after sexual intercourse , cause no one can force you to have it. Your body reaction show honestly that you need it.

Where is the best place of it ?? It's very dependence , hardly to answer .

* Be Responsible , Practice with SAFE SEX !!*
*  Enjoy Your Sex Life *

Thursday, 28 July 2011

Today Dessert / 今日糖水 / 今日のデザート

Nowadays weather is hot, " Today Dessert " is suitable for all family member.
最近天气异常浩热,“今日糖水” 是非常适合一家大小的食用

1. 雪梨蜜枣炖雪耳 ( Braised White Fungus with Pear & Honey Date )
雪梨 ( 也可以用红苹果或木瓜来代替)    2 粒/ nos
Pear ( Can instead with Apple or Papaya )
蜜枣                                                             6 粒 / nos 
Honey Dates 
雪耳  ( 泡软)                                              适量( based on your needs )
White Fungus ( Soaked )

Method :
   Cut pear into wedges put into slow cooker 
b. 加入蜜枣和雪耳。
   Add in honey dates and white fungus.
   Add in water and slow boil for 8 hours.

You may chill it before serve it !!

Love Quote for Mystery Person On 30/06/10

Thousand words wanted to say
Thousand words can be describe
But i will combine it all within this 3 special words
" I " such a lucky girl who ownage all your love
" L"over the name that you always calling me
" O"nly you can understand and fullfill all i need
" V "ery deeply addicted with your seducing kiss
" E "'very moment we been seem so unreal n mastery
" Y "our concern and care shows how much you treasure me
" O "n this special moment i'm proud to announce with honor
" U ' ownage all my heart,my mind and my soul forever and i'm yours
I swear to the lord, i'll cherish you for the rest of my life as how you cherish me too

Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Tattoo's Fever / 纹身之光 /刺青の発熱

What do you think of tattoo and what it means to you?

A. Does it means a person must be a gangster or bad guys ( girls )if their put it on their body ?

B. Does it means just a trend or fashion whiles you putting it in on your body ( influenced by friends / idols ) ?

C. Just to show off or proof that you're cool / hero??

For those sluts who pick up with A. Alright, for whoever agree with this , you are just a slut and please move your ass back to slut's community, caused your mind is just a fucking old  mindset and totally disgraceful.

For those who pick up with B or C, I feel sad with it. Please think twice before you going to put a tattoo on your body or else you might be regret in future. ( Not Offending anybody, sorry to say this, but this is totally WRONG decision if you still decide to put on a tattoo with this mindset.)

Tattoo is not for you to show off and it’s should not declare as trends / fashion trademark.

I never think / treat / declare tattoo as cool / trends / fashions.

Do you know how much of efforts for an artist to tattoo-ing on your body? From the based design until the art is completely done ? Do you know how much time spending for artists to prepare with hair tinny needle ? How much patient given by artist to focus while he/she is tattoo-ing for you??

For me, tattoo is a graceful art and I appreciate with this art.

Tattoo is an awesome artwork with loads of efforts and hard work from artist; we should appreciate this greatest hard work and effort with 100% from our heart and soul.

Tattoos come with its own specific meaning / story line which it's can recall your memories and it's represent personal impression.

And please keep this in mind, GOOD TATTOO AIN’T CHEAP, CHEAP TATTOO AIN’T GOOD, hygiene and safety is first priority in consideration while you plan to put a tattoo on your body. Also don’t ever ask a dumb question with does tattoo hurts? Come on, the pain is bearable, NO PAIN NO GAIN. 

I love my tattoos; all my tattoos are with its special meanings. And it's gave me a remembrance memories.

I would like to take this opportunity to special thanks and salute to my tattoo artist Johnny, Spec Ung for sharing their tattoo knowledge and Ronnie, Frankie & Cherry for teaching me with body piercing knowledge. Especially Johnny, my greatest master of tattoo,who tattooed for me with meaningful designs and taught me with knowledge of life, drawing, sharing his experience and concern me as his own daughter while we work together at tattoo shop during few years back in Penang Island.
I Love your guys. Thanks for all the concerns and care been given while I’m live alone in Penang Island. It’s a great and happy remembrance memory forever in my life. 

Tips to take care of new done tattoo :
Avoid from suntan or exposure under direct sunlight during healing period.
Avoid swimming at swimming pool or seaside during healing period.
Please DO NOT SCRATCH your tattoo during healing period with no matter how extremely itchy.
Apply Skin Repair Lotion during healing period ( It’s help while you felt itchy )

P/S : The Picture of Tattoo shows here is not my tattoo . Only who in my Face book’s friend list will be able to view my tattoo in my album. Sorry for the inconvenience.  

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Honey Sprite Chicken Wing

Come Let's try this out! It's simple and easy to prepare.

6 nos Chicken Wing
1tbsp chopped continental parsley
1tbsp sesame seed

Marinade :
1/2 tsp Salt
1/4 tsp pepper
1/2 tsp light soy sauce
2 tbsp custard powder
2 tbsp tapioca powder
1 nos egg

Sprite Sauce : ( mix well)
200ml Sprite
3tsp honey
1/2 tsp salt
1 tbsp rose wine ( this smell good n nice )
1 tbsp plum sauce

1. Seasoning the chicken wing with marinade, marinade for at least 15minutes. Deep fry into hot oil until golden in colour & crispy. Drain well.
2. Leave 2 tbsp oil in the hot wok, fragrant chopped continental parsley. Add sprite sauce mixture, bring to boil, reduce to low heat and cook for 5 minutes untill the sauce is thicken.
3. Place in prefried chicken wings, stirring constantly until well coated with sauce, dish up, sprinkle with sesame.
4. Now you can enjoy It ~ XD YUmmy ~

Monday, 25 July 2011

My Hot Summer Refreshing Cocktails / 私の熱い夏のさわやかなカクテル /我的夏日清凉鸡尾酒

This is my favourite refreshing cocktail and i make it into mocktail as well ~
It's can chase off damn hot weather XD
I prefer to use sugar syrup instead of castor sugar XD
I'm addicted with this drinks although i seldom take icy drinks.



2ounces of  Havana Club Añejo Blanco( but i will reduce to 1ounce and i'm sincere to Havana Club Rum Series only, you can use others brands instead )
4 sprig of Mints Leaves ( i prefer more mints leave )
1tsp Brown Castor Sugar ( i prefer with 1/2 ounce of sugar syrup instead )
Half wedges of Fresh Lime
1/4ounce Lime Cordial
1/4ounce Calamanci Juice
Club Soda

Crushed Ice

Glassware : Collin Glass
Equipment : Muddler

Method :
Place the mint leaves into a long mojito glass (often called a "collins" glass) and squeeze the juice from a cut lime over it. Add in Brown sugar,lime cordial & calamanci Juice then gently smash the mint with a muddler (until you smell a refreshing mints leaves lime flavor ) .Add crush ice  then add the rum and top up with the club soda (you can also stir the club soda in as per your taste). Garnish with a mint sprig.
薄荷,酸柑汁,糖(红糖/糖浆)和吉子放进collin glass然后轻轻地搅拌棒压一压直到你闻到清新的薄荷。加入朗姆酒和苏打。最后薄荷小枝装饰在杯口。

放下你一切的回忆真的那么简单容易吗??Part 1

而我总是无动于衷的一个。。只顾于与友人谈话。。( 因为你给我的感觉真的很像花心男 )
每当你向我打照呼的时候, 我都不理不睬,只有我身旁的友人会兴奋的回应你 ( 心想: 我都不认识你,干吗我要回应你呢 )
原来每当我离开后,你就默默远远的跟在后面直到我家门。。( 你隐藏的很好嘛!!如果不是小黑通风报信,我还不晓得!!~ )
我承认那时我真的对谈情说爱没兴趣,男生对我来说就像是好哥儿们的关系。。(因为我真的是很TOMBOY STYLE  =^_^= )
你挺身而出并大声的让她们难看, 尤其对于自称是你亲亲女友的她 ,你更是直言的澄清你一直并没有任何女友也不喜欢她,你搁下狠话对所有围观者说如果有谁再找我麻烦就是找你麻烦。。而我只是在一旁望着你然后若无其事的离开。。(其实我有看到你眼神里的期待,宠溺以及一丝的无奈,只不过我没放在心底)
就这样过了一段日子,由于这天我并不大舒服,师长也不许早退,我唯有硬挺着到放学。 我昏昏顿顿在校门看到你拿着一束花向我走过来并和我说了一些花。。

这天,你约我去看戏 (可怜小黑屈服在你的威严下,这次没有当跟班)

放下一切真的那么容易吗??Part 1

Saturday, 23 July 2011

Chuan Kee Hakka Restaurant 泉記客家釀豆腐 的童年回忆

爷爷所煮的菜肴永远是我的最爱。。爷爷在某些心血来朝的日子,总会下厨煮一些特别的菜肴 (这些菜肴并不在泉记菜单上),然后会和一些老顾客们分享。。当妈妈学会弄烤月饼时,爷爷总是把妈妈所烤的月饼当宝,免费让老顾客们分享及宣传。。然后把妈妈的月饼一盒接一盒的卖出去~
我爷爷教会我煮的第一道菜就是“盐烤虾“ 。。然后是“奶油虾“ 。。爷爷也教会我很多东西~
直到爷爷逝世过后,再也没有机会尝到爷爷所煮 的菜肴。。也是我最怀念的菜肴~

 我想您,我爱您 谢谢您 最爱的爷爷~

Chuan Kee Hakka Restaurant has started outdoor catering service in 1980 and slowly developed into a family-style restaurant when year 1987 (or earlier year, I do not remember) open for lunch, and now it is still operating on the basis of Family members, it's open for lunch and dinner.I spending my childhood in Chuan Kee Kitchen .. i missed my beloved grandpa so much  ~ i miss all the special dish cooked by my beloved grandpa ..He always share his new dish with regular customer ~ and he always proud of my mom , he promote my mom moon cake by giving free tasting to regular customer altho is ain't easy to bake moon cake ,but he gave full support to my mom ... I miss you ,grandpa , i love you my beloved grandpa ~
Our facebook page :, remember to click " LIKE" and share the page to your friends
And you may place in your mooncake order while you dine in during July - August, all mooncake is 100% homemade.

Salute to My Fav. Groups : Beyond , X-Japan , Linkin Park

I'm Beyond Fans since young , yeah was limited into chinese song ~
i was so touch with X-Japan while my net -friends playing their song~ it's really touch ~
i addicted to Linkin Park when i turns19s
their songs might sound noisy others
but their songs cure my injured heart
their songs calm my mind
their songs represent my anger
their song ease of my pain
their song accompanied most of my saddest dark time ~
Thank you Beyond, X-Japan and Linkin Park




                                                             LINKIN PARK

Creme de Mango Layer Crepe Cake

I prefer make it with non stick pan and you can try it with different fruits ~

Ingredients :
A )Batter for Crepe :
1) Eggs                                          3 nos
2)Castor Sugar                              3 tbsp
3)Flour                                          200gm
4)Salt                                            1/2 tsp
5)Fresh Milk                                  400ml
6)Vanilla Essence                           1/2 tsp ( usually i don't use this ) 

B)Creme De Mango
1) Whip Cream                                 150ml
2) Ripped Mango ( or other fruits )     2 nos -some cut into dice and some make into puree             

Mix the batter and strain it, leave it rest for 45minutes.
Blend Whip Cream with medium speed until it's turn fluffy and creamy , add in mango puree and mix well .
Pre-heat non stick pan, and coated it with butter, pour in batter , and turn it over till both side are golden color.
Place a layer of crepe and filling up a layer of creme de mango ( you may add in little bit of mango dice ), repeat until all crepe layer is done.

 Hope you like this~ my baby prince love this so much ~ XD

Healthy Steam Banana Cupcake / 健康好吃蒸香蕉杯糕

This is delicious n healthy cup cake, altho it's take some times for preparation , but i still love it ~ XD
Ingredients :
1. Ripped Banana ( prefer pisang berangan ) / 熟透的香蕉   - 500gm
2. Castor Sugar  白糖                                                           - 250gm ( you can reduce it / 你可以减量哦 )
3. Low Protein Flour 低筋面粉                                            - 250gm
4. Baking Soda   小苏打                                                      - 1tbsp
5. Baking Powder   发酵粉                                                  - 2tbsp
6. Cinnamon Powder   桂皮粉                                             - 1/4 tsp
7. Banana essence   香蕉精                                                 - 1tsp
8. Corn Oil / Sun Flower Seed Oil 玉米油/葵花籽油         - 150ml

Method (做法):
1. Mash ripped banana in mixer bowl, add in baking soda and mix well , rest for 1 hour.
2. Add sugar into mash banana , mix well.
3. Add in flour,baking powder,cinnamon powder and banana essence into mash banana , mix well and  rest for 1 hour.
4. Add in Corn Oil,mix well, rest for 10minutes.
5. Pour into small cup and steam it for 15 minutes.

Let's try it out~ XD

Friday, 22 July 2011


白 饭配荷包蛋,白饭配Sambal Belacan(妈妈/外婆自己樁的) 或者白饭配酱油, 我也能吃的津津有味。回想我当康乐小学电脑老师那段时期,我的午餐肯定是郑记白斩鸡二度饭盒,风雨不改。由此可说我是不挑食且容易满足,但偏偏还是很多人 觉的我很挑食(尤其是我的旧同事)。。。坦白说,我个人真的可以吃的很随便但我却很执着(固执)食物的口味,就算食档在沟渠旁,我也可以照吃不误。

云吞面:半山芭印刷街后面小巷 (早餐)
点心:英国Portsmouth一家中国餐馆(目前来说,Malaysia 没有一家可以和它比)
Rojak:  半山芭Pudu Plaza 对面(看运气的,不是每天卖的)
Satay:  Jalan Peel Convent School 前面或皇后Kopitiam前面
Sup Kambing: Jalan Peel
Cheese Naan: Steven Corner Pandan Indah
Pizza: Dominos/ Modesto / Eastin Hotel Rush Bar(已经关闭了)
Burung Puyuh : Steven Corner Pandan Indah
烧鸡翼:阿华烧鸡翼Jalan Peel皇后Kopitiam前面
中菜/家常菜:半山芭喜来登,沙登喜来登,泉记(100%,因为祖传的味道,最怀念的一道菜是盐焗虾,爷爷教我煮的第一道菜),妈妈或外婆煮的菜(Nyoya Steam Otak)
豆腐花:友力夜市场(别档我不吃的哦)/ Ipoh 旧街场
虾酱猪肠粉:槟城Sunway Hotel 附近。(别档我不吃的哦)
炒粿条:槟城Dato Keramat那一带,老伯骑着脚踏车来卖的。
烧鸭:Lunas 巴刹后面
烧肉:爱莲小食中心Sg Siput (下午3点才有)
年饼/cookies : 妈妈/Uncle(爸爸的同学)烘的
蛋糕:妈妈/Uncle(爸爸的同学)烘的/太子园Love’s Bakery /Subang SS15 RT Bakery
芽菜鸡河粉:只限于818芽菜鸡 , Becham Ipoh
炸鸡翼:Shamrock Penang (已经关闭了)
日本餐:只限于Mr Watanabe 开在subang SS15 Pyotan Japananese Restaurant 瓢单 ( SS12旬 Shun Japanese Restaurant 旧老板)

*别忘了我对于调酒也很在行,最喜爱饮料是Ricard , Bailey’s,Martel Cordon Bleu goes neat.我对于某些Red Wine & White Wine 也很专一的哦。。
For Food,  I'm not a picky eaters, I can take any food (except spicy food.) I don't dine in those superstar restaurant. I love dine / snacking at food stall beside the road.

Simple as White rice with fried egg, white rice with Sambal Belacan (making by mother / grandmother) or rice with soy sauce, I take it relish. Looking back when i still was a primary school computer lab teacher,my lunch meal is fixed, chicken rice from Zheng Kee. This can be said that I was not picky eaters and easy to satisfied, yet still a lot of people think I am  picky eater (especially my old colleagues). . . Frankly, I not picky eater, but i am very persistent with the taste,may be 
you might find me eating " lok lok " at stall beside the drain one day.

For example:
Wonton noodles: Somewhere around Pudu Printing Street
Hakka wonton noodles: Near by Pusat Tuition Martin Pudu
Curry Chee Cheong Fan: Inside Pudu Wet Market
Hong Kong Chee Cheong Fan: Restaurant H.H.Fook Tmn Yulek
Spaghetti: Opposite Public Bank Taman Maluri Cheras
Pork Noodles (Yee Mee): Sang Kee,Bt 3 1/2,Cheras
Toast Bread: Kedai Kopi Lin Chin Seri Kembangan
Dim Sum: Chinese Restaurant located at Portsmouth UK (frankly to say,non of shop in msia can beat it)
Rojak: opposite the Pudu Pudu Plaza (depend on lucks, not selling daily)
Satay: Roadside stall next to Convent School of Jln Peel or stall infront of Queen's Kopitiam Jln Peel
Sup Kambing: Jalan Peel
Cheese Naan: Steven Corner Pandan Indah
Pizza: Dominos / Modesto / Eastin Hotel Rush Bar (closed down)
Burung Puyuh: Steven Corner Pandan Indah
Egg tart: Tong Kee (sorry to say, i don't take other than Tong Kee)
Chicken wings: Ah Wah Chicken Wing Stall front of Queen's Kopitiam Jln Peel
Chinese Cuisine: Restaurant Hee Lai Ton Pudu, Restaurant Hee Lai Ton Serdang, Chuan Kee Hakka Restaurant (100%, because the ancestral taste, the most memorable dish of salt baked shrimp, first dish taught by Grandpa when i juz a little gal),cuisine cooked by my mom and grandmom  (Nyoya Steam Otak)
Friend Noodles: opposite Ampang Old Folks Home
Tau Fu Fa:Night market Tmn Yulek  / Ipoh Old Town
Ha Gou Chee Cheong Fan: New Lane Sunway Hotel Penang. (sorry to say, i don't take other than here)
Fried oysters: Nearby Mount Erskine Wet Market Penang  (evening only)
Char Kway Teow: selling by oldman who riding his bicycle around Jln Dato Keramat Area
Roast Duck: Near by Wet Market Lunas Kedah
Roast Pork: Kafe Teratai Sg Siput (3 pm only)
Dumpling: wrapped by mom
Moon cake: made by mom (others taste too sweet to me)
Cookies: baked by Mom / Uncle (father's classmate)
Cake : baked by Mother / Uncle (father's classmate) / Love's Bakery Tmn Muda /  RT Bakery SS15 Subang Jaya
Ipoh Beansprout Chicken: Restaurant Tauge Ayam Lapan Satu Lapan Becham Ipoh
Fried chicken wings: Shamrock Penang (closed)
Japanese food: Pyotan Japananese Restaurant SS 15 Subang Jaya Operated by MR Watanabe ( as know as Ex Owner of  Shun Japanese Restaurant SS 12 Subang Jaya)
Chicken:Cheng Kee Taman Connaught

I dislike to dine in others place than i mentioned as above, otherwise i rather take white rice and fried eggs ~ well, you can see that I'm not picky eaters, I just sincere to my taste bud only. .

Ha ha ha

* Do not forget I am also good with cocktails mixiology, favorite drink Ricard, Bailey's, Martel Cordon Bleu goes neat.

                                              烧肉:爱莲小食中心Sg Siput (下午3点才有)
                                              Roast Pork: Kafe Teratai Sg Siput (3 pm only)

                                            Second Day of CNY Dishes Cooked by Mom

                                               First Day of CNY Dishes Cooked by Mom

                                                   芽菜鸡河粉:818芽菜鸡 , Becham Ipoh
                       Ipoh Beansprout Chicken: Restaurant Tauge Ayam Lapan Satu Lapan Becham Ipoh

                                                 芽菜鸡河粉:818芽菜鸡 , Becham Ipoh
                        Ipoh Beansprout Chicken: Restaurant Tauge Ayam Lapan Satu Lapan Becham Ipoh

Thursday, 21 July 2011

あなた.. おやすみ ..私たちは私の夢で今夜を満たすことができます..


思い,君は知っていますか? あなたがいなくて寂しいです

花道君 :
I'm tried my best to let it go but failed
fuck with words of  " time will ease all pain"
truths is time goes but still remain with hurt and bleed 
i realize ima dumb slut..
i hate myself of being such ignorance against you love..your devote..your toleration
if times can roll back ..or we met again on street someday and this is what i gonna to tell you ,
"sorry, please forgive me,ima so immature in the past. Even it's late,but i do love you from beginning till now."

QUOTE of cocktail's love relation on 29/06/2010

The night we meet start with TANGO IN PARIS
The moment we chat stay fun with PEACH MARTINI
Your gorgeous sexy voice drown me in EXTRA OLD BRANDY
Desire from your eye burns me with FLAMING LAMBORGINI
Every single touch of you smooth as BAILEY'S IRISH CREAM
Kisses given by you was hot and wild as dashes tabasco in TEQUILA SHOT
From AK47 until BLOODY MARY
You take me AROUND THE WORLD full fill with love SENSATION DESIRE
Waken up by TEQUILA SUNRISE together with LONG ISLAND TEA
There are so amazed with SEX ON THE BEACH
The night we had is SWEET ROMANCE memory
If there's a cocktail to name for every single love you gave
I will name it for you " LOVE 360 Degree"
And i was truly drowning in your LOVE SUBMARINE

Support "PDA" / Public Display of Affection!!

If you spotted me was hugged,holding each other or may be kissing with somebody at public, don't be shock or curious ~ The truth is he isn't my man~but both of us are just best friend , he just showing his pampering XD
And please do appreciate if there's a guy showing his pampering to you during date XD
Honestly I LOVE n Support "PDA" / Public Display of Affection ~
We don't live backwards stone age but we go forward.
Is there wrong with PDA?
Nope,I don't see any wrong with it ♥
By the way, I'm Enjoying It

I Hate old stone age sluts

Address someone as baby / darling / honey / sweetheart / ​babe / sweetie / dear / baobei mean something on with them ??
Don't be so fucking stuck your mind set in stone age!!
Even i text a guy or addressing a guy as dear / baby / darling doesn't mean that he is my stead / some one or ima having affair with him.
I called / text my siblings n friends ( Gals n Guys ) as baby/darling/honey/sweetheart/​babe/sweetie/dear/baobei since couple years ago ~
Its just to address the person politely and with closeness only.