Was Craving of Macaron for so long~ finally i get e recipe from my sis's friend. My Oh My ~ i only saw sugar sugar in the recipe ...... and i tasted a plain macaron sample from her.. Oh my godness DAMN SWEET....
Hrmm... Since it's sweet , so i choose Dark Chocolate as filling ~ Sweet at 1st , bitter at last ~ haha ~ so i make a decision , MSN my lovely cousin , and we fix a date to having Macaron Baking Session~~ ermm kinda nervous XD ( First time in my life <3 ).
And i decided bake blue berry cheese tart for my little baby prince <3 ( he love it so much !! )
Honestly ... All Macarons was unsuccessful while we baking at cousin's house.. and i was felt so reconciled with the result .... luckily all my blue berry cheese tart result with great success XD
I made a call to my father's friend to seek his advice , and tell him my macaron baking is cmi.... and he told me the right way of baking it . I bake it again once i reach home... GOSH ~ almond powder was finished..... so i search all over the fridge and i found pack of almond chips ( it's my mom cookies ingredients ) , i blend it into almond powder and start my macaron baking war again... Guess what is the result ? YEAH ~ FINALLY MADE IT ~ hahaha Big Thank to my father's friend XD
Macaron's ingredients is simple .
Macaron's Batter Ingredients:
A. Egg White - 60gm
Fine Castor Sugar - 40gm
B. Icing Sugar -150gm
Almond Powder - 40gm
1. Whisk the egg white and fine castor sugar into fluffy whip cream foam
2. Add in icing sugar and almond powder into 1 , bit by bit , manually stir it well.
3. Piping Macaron Batter on baking tray, set aside till surface dried.
4. Bake macaron batter with 180c about 15-20 minutes.
Dark Chocolate Filling :
Chopped Dark Chocolate - 1 cup
Thicken Cream ( Fresh Milk ) - 50ml
Method :
1. Double boil Chopped Dark Chocolate until melt with low heat.
2. Heat the Thicken Cream with low heat.
3. Slowly add in thicken cream into melted chocolate base on your desire hardness of chocolate.
4.Piping Chocolate Filling on macaron .