My lappie HDD gone case since early of december, due to the market price of HDD has raised Up to 100% , so i decided not to purchase it yet....
and now, i have no lappie to blogging ..
I have bake marble butter cake couple of times, pineapple tart and muffins...
but i have no device to snap the picture and no device to complete my blog...
from now on , will not be bloggin till my device get replacement..
Welcome to my blog, this blog is specially made to express my feeling and miss of somebody Well, it's also with some food / dessert / drinks recipe ~ together with some quotes and my points of views as well blog that full of my memories and was written with broken english , well this is my style XD You might notice that i did not introduce myself or highlight my family in profile.
Tuesday, 27 December 2011
Saturday, 12 November 2011
Oreo Cheese Cake
Oh Yeah ~ another Cheese Cake Day~
And I making Oreo Cheese Cake today~~
Arghhhhhhhh.... i gains lots weight nowaday due too taking too much dessert ~ thanks to my lovely little prince ~ hahaah ~ i love him so much ~
Due to not enough time to type in recipe, so ~ only be able upload with the picture~ hahhaha
Monday, 24 October 2011
Mini Eggs Tarts
Wanted to bake eggs tarts for so long ~ my baby prince love eggs tarts so muchies ( don't get me wrong , he only loves "eggs filling" and leave crust for me ) ....
Thanks to my Maple Gans gave me the recipe of eggs tarts and i just modify the recipe a bit ( caused i doesn't like it taste too sweet ).
The crust of egg tarts was awesome, it's combined with 2 different pastry method.
A.Chinese Pastry Skin A ( Water Skin )
Flour - 150g
Butter / Shortening - 65g
Castor Sugar - 30g
Water - 60g
B.Chinese Pastry Skin B ( Oil Skin )
Shortening - 70g
Flour - 130g
1. Use table mixer mix all ingredients A into dough and rest it for 20 minutes.
2. Use table mixer mix all ingredients B into dough and rest in for 20 minutes
3. Fold dough B into dough A for couple times and divide into small pieces , place into tart mould.
4. Bake tarts skin with 180c for 25minutes.
Eggs Tarts Filling
Water - 110g
Sugar - 30g
Egg - 60g
Fresh Milk - 40g
1. Boil water and sugar until sugar dissolve , set aside and let it cold.
2. Mix the egg into fresh milk and strain it into 1.
3. Strain it again , pour into tart mould .
4. Bake with 180c for 30minutes.
First Time bake with this crust, it's was thicken, try to make it thinness during next baking sessions XD
Friday, 21 October 2011
最近我一直重播 那英-“放爱一条生路 “和苏永康-“那谁“。。尤其是 那英-“放爱一条生路 “。。。在每个午夜时分带给我很大很大的感触。。。原来我由始而终还是放不下“他“ 。。。 一个曾经让我觉得被爱也很感动很思念的人。。。
Monday, 17 October 2011
Macaron Baking Session XD
Was Craving of Macaron for so long~ finally i get e recipe from my sis's friend. My Oh My ~ i only saw sugar sugar in the recipe ...... and i tasted a plain macaron sample from her.. Oh my godness DAMN SWEET....
Hrmm... Since it's sweet , so i choose Dark Chocolate as filling ~ Sweet at 1st , bitter at last ~ haha ~ so i make a decision , MSN my lovely cousin , and we fix a date to having Macaron Baking Session~~ ermm kinda nervous XD ( First time in my life <3 ).
And i decided bake blue berry cheese tart for my little baby prince <3 ( he love it so much !! )
Honestly ... All Macarons was unsuccessful while we baking at cousin's house.. and i was felt so reconciled with the result .... luckily all my blue berry cheese tart result with great success XD
I made a call to my father's friend to seek his advice , and tell him my macaron baking is cmi.... and he told me the right way of baking it . I bake it again once i reach home... GOSH ~ almond powder was finished..... so i search all over the fridge and i found pack of almond chips ( it's my mom cookies ingredients ) , i blend it into almond powder and start my macaron baking war again... Guess what is the result ? YEAH ~ FINALLY MADE IT ~ hahaha Big Thank to my father's friend XD
Macaron's ingredients is simple .
Macaron's Batter Ingredients:
A. Egg White - 60gm
Fine Castor Sugar - 40gm
B. Icing Sugar -150gm
Almond Powder - 40gm
1. Whisk the egg white and fine castor sugar into fluffy whip cream foam
2. Add in icing sugar and almond powder into 1 , bit by bit , manually stir it well.
3. Piping Macaron Batter on baking tray, set aside till surface dried.
4. Bake macaron batter with 180c about 15-20 minutes.
Dark Chocolate Filling :
Chopped Dark Chocolate - 1 cup
Thicken Cream ( Fresh Milk ) - 50ml
Method :
1. Double boil Chopped Dark Chocolate until melt with low heat.
2. Heat the Thicken Cream with low heat.
3. Slowly add in thicken cream into melted chocolate base on your desire hardness of chocolate.
4.Piping Chocolate Filling on macaron .

Friday, 7 October 2011
Tropicana Iceland 热带冰岛
This is one of my own blended cocktail , it's similar with frozen Pina Colada , but this will be more fruity and i made some changes with using fresh fruits instead of puree ( i used puree when 1st try ) . And usually i will use just 5ml-10ml Malibu instead of 15ml ( caused i not really like too much malibu ~ it's remind me pina colada , ahahha )
Ingredients :
Mango Slice - Half Nos
芒果 - 半粒
Orange ( Peeled ) - Half Nos
鲜橙 - 半粒
Pineapple Slice - 1/2 pcs
凤梨(黄梨)- 1/2 块
Pink Guava Juice - 60ml
番石榴汁 - 60毫升
Malibu Rum - 1/4 jig
马利宝椰子朗姆酒 - 7.5毫升
Light Rum - 1 1/2 jig
朗姆酒 - 45毫升
Vanilla Ice Cream - 2 scoop
香草冰淇淋 - 2 球
Coconut Milk- 1 tsp
椰奶(椰浆)- 1 茶匙
Crush Ice
Glassware : Jumbo Margarita Glass
Method : Blend
1. Add in Mango Slice, Orange , Pine Apple , Pink Guava Juice, Malibu , Light Rum , Vanilla Ice Cream and crushed ice into blender jug and blend it into smoothies.
2. Top with some coconut milk ( creme ).
* P/S : photo will be upload later
Tuesday, 27 September 2011
Tiramisu Cake
Angry Bird Fondant has been done, now is the turn to made Tiramisu as cake base for my little baby prince's Birthday Cake with Angry Bird Theme.
And my little baby prince was so happy with this cake ~ Yeah ~ He love Tiramisu lots ( he thought it's ice-cream ) but he loves Angry Bird the Most ~ hahahaha and he said with a kisses " Happy !! Thank you mummy , i love you " while i ask him " Baby , are you happy today with your angry bird cake and celebrating it with Auntie Carmen & Auntie Yan ?? " and he was only 4 years old.I'm proud of him XD
Sponge Cake Ingredients:
A. Sugar - 110gm
Eggs - 4 Nos
B. Flour - 110gm
Baking Powder - 1/2 tsp
Vanilla Essence - 1/4 tsp
C. Corn Oil / Melted Butter - 80gm
Method :
1. Whisk ingredients A into fluffy but soft.
2. Mix ingredients B and slowly mix into 1.
3. Add in ingredients C and mix well.
4. Pour batter into mould and bake for 30 minutes with 180c.
Tiramisu Cream Ingredients :
A. Gelatin - 5gm
Water - 100ml
Sugar - 80gm
B. Egg Yolk - 3 nos
Milk - 100ml
C. Mascarpone cheese - 100gm
D. Fresh Cream - 150gm
E. Lady Fingers Biscuit - 1 packet
F Kahlua - 30ml
Baileys - 30ml
Espresso ( Black Coffee ) - 1 cup
1. Combine ingredients A in the top of a double boiler, over boiling water, stirring constantly until dissolve.
1. Beat ingredients C into soft batter.
2.Combine ingredients B in the top of a double boiler, over boiling water. Reduce heat to low, and stirring constantly lemon colored. Pouring in A and stirring constantly, add in C and stir until mixture turns creamy.
3. Whip ingredients C turns soft fluffy whipped cream.
4. Gently fold whipped cream into yolk mixture and set aside.
5. Pour Kahlua and Baileys into cup of espresso ( black coffee ).
6. Place a layer of sponge cake into mould. spray coffee mixture on top it .
7. Pour in 1/2 of tiramisu mixture on it.
8. Dip ladyfingers with coffee mixture and arrange on top tiramisu mixture.
9. Pour in another 1/2 of tiramisu mixture on it. Refrigerate several hours or overnight.
10. Sprinkle cocoa powder before serve.
Yeah ~ finally the mixture turn cream ~ and my arm was numb~
Prepare to store in fridge ~
Prepare to taken out for birthday celebration XD
Decoration with Angry Birds Theme
Monday, 26 September 2011
Pandan Layer Mousse Cake
Just having a try with this recipe ~ and trying my best to translate into mandarin as well ~ I love Pandan Layer Cake ~ XD But , i prefer it with mousse cake style XD
Let's start baking session today ~ XD
Sponge Cake Ingredients:
A. Sugar - 110gm
Eggs - 4 Nos
B. Flour - 110gm
Baking Powder - 1/2 tsp
Vanilla Essence - 1/4 tsp
C. Corn Oil / Melted Butter - 80gm
Method :
1. Whisk ingredients A into fluffy but soft.
2. Mix ingredients B and slowly mix into 1.
3. Add in ingredients C and mix well.
4. Pour batter into mould and bake for 30 minutes with 180c.
Pandan Mousse Ingredients:
A. Coconut Milk - 180ml
Sugar - 120gm
B. Gelatin Powder - 12.5g
Water - 30ml
C. Pandan Leaves - Few Stalk
Water - 50ml
D. Fresh Cream - 150ml
E. Cream Cheese - 50gm
Method :
1. Blend ingredient C then strain it and double boil it leave aside.
2. Double boil ingredient B into dissolve and pour ingredient C into it, stir well.
3. Double boil ingredient A until dissolve. Then , add in cream cheese and stir until cream cheese melted, add in 2 and stir well.
4. Whisk fresh cream until soft and fluffy , slowly add in 3 and stir well with softly .
5. Slice sponge cake into 2 layer , place a layer of cake in a mould and spread in the 4. Repeat again the method and then chill the cake for 2 hours and above.
Pandan Mousse Mixture
Pour mixture onto sponge cake and prepare for chill in fridge
Decorating with Dried Coconut Flakes
Cousin Bro Angry Bird Pandan Layer Cake
Saturday, 24 September 2011
Angry Bird Fondant XD
Due my little prince birthday is around the corner , as per he request for Angry Bird Cake~ So i been survey around Cheras area Bakery Supply Store for Angry Bird's Edible Toppers. But sadly with it, their don't have it or their have only for cupcake layer but currently out of stock ~
So, i decided make by my own Angry Bird Edible Toppers. I've called up my dad's friend who are master of bakery and he ask me buy plastic icing / gum paste / fondant which is material to made edible toppers ( He don't know what is Angry Bird ) ! Hahaha ~ So , i called my lovely Cousin sis to help me buy fondant ( too bad only White Fondant available , so have to mix with food coloring to get the desire color. )
On that night, i bring along all food coloring to my cousin house to get some hands help with making angry bird fondant ( sorry to say , i don't know how round is the angry bird , my iPod show angry birds with 2D only.. and i need to make 3D design.
We start with taking out a little bit fondant to taste~ awww.. it's too sweet for me~ hahaha but it's alright just for decorate on top the birthday cake.
I start mixing into few color, Red, Yellow, Blue, Green, Orange, Black , Grey .. In the end , my fingers and palm is too colorful and i can't made any birds ( Thank you to my cousin bro and sis who help me made a few sample ).
Due to i already pre-mix coloring fondant , and i made my very own angry bird on the next day . XD
Angry Bird Fondant
White Fondant 1kg @ RM 14.50 Frm BiDOVALLEY Two Enterprise, Jln Pudu Ulu, Cheras
Colorful Fondant after mix with Food Coloring
My Cousin Sis making White Angry Bird
My Cousin Bro shaping bird's peck
Angry Birds & Piggy Made by My Cousin Bro & Sis
Yellow Angry Bird Made By Myself
Black Angry Bird Made By Myself
Green Angry Bird Made By Myself
My Failure Pikachu Fondant =.="
Hi ! I'm BJ XD
The Smurfs ( another Epic Failed )
Sunday, 28 August 2011
在这一瞬间,你的笑脸仿佛在我眼前~ 在这一刹那, 你的声音犹如在耳边~
我不想醒来, 再也不想独自泪流到天明。。。
好恨~ 好恨~ 恨自己的无知伤害了你。。
“对不起!原谅我当年年少无知, 不但没珍惜你所付出的一切,还恨恨的伤害了你的心。。 我爱你。。我真的真的好爱你 ”
Tuesday, 23 August 2011
きのこホイル焼き /Kinoko Hoiru Yaki / 铝箔烤香菇
This is one of my favorite Japanese Dishes. You can use it for Barbeque or for normal dining. Remember MUST SERVE IT HOT !!! It's simple to cook and easy to prepare as well !! Yummy ~
Ingredients ( 材料 ) :
Fresh Kinoko Mushroom / 生金针菇 ( cut off bottom part / 根部去掉 )
Fresh Shitake Mushroom / 生香菇( cut slice / 切成片状)
Fresh Oyster Mushroom / 生鲍鱼菇( cut into small pieces / 切小片)
Raw Ginkgo /銀杏/白果 ( Boiled till cook 煮熟待用 )
Pinch of Salt / 一把盐
Butter 2 tbsp / 牛油 ( Use melted butter 溶牛油 for barbeque method )
Japanese Rice Wine 日本米酒 ( Sake ) / 烈酒 ( use Cognac for better taste ) 2tbsp
Method 1 : ( Stir Fry & Bake / 快炒再烤 )
1. Heat up pan and add in 1tbsp butter .
2. Stir fry Kinoko Mushroom, Shitake Mushroom, Oyster Mushroom & Ginkgo.
3. Add in pinch of salt ,slightly stir fry with rice wine added.
加入盐快炒,最后加入日本米酒 ( Sake )快炒.
4. Pour on top of Foil Paper , add in 1tbsp butter and fold it neat .
5. Bake it around 3-5 minutes with oven.( NEVER Use Microwave instead to avoid explosion accident )
放进烤箱,烤大概3-5 分钟就可以了。(千万不要放进微波炉,铝箔会引着爆炸)
6. Serve it hot.
Method 2 : ( For Barbeque / 烧烤)
1. Add in all ingredients into mixing bowl and mix it well with big spoon .
2. Pour on top of Foil Paper , fold it neat.
3. Put on barbeque net and barbeque till foil paper blow like ball shape. ( remember must turning both side )
把它放上烧烤网上烧至铝箔 “卜” 起来。 ( 记得两边都翻来烤哦)
4. Serve it hot.
P/S : I love to use salted butter to make it taste better XD.
Saturday, 20 August 2011
Chocolate Chips Cookies / 巧可力粒曲奇饼
Chocolate Chips Cookies / 巧克力粒曲奇饼
Butter ( 牛油 ) - 300gm / 克
Sugar ( 白糖 ) - 150gm / 克
Brown Sugar ( 红糖 ) - 150gm / 克
Salt ( 盐 ) - 5gm / 克
Egg ( 鸡蛋 )- 150gm / 克
Vanilla Essence ( 香草精 )- 1/4 tsp
Flour ( 面粉 )- 500gm / 克
Baking Powder (发粉)- 10gm/ 克
Soda (苏打粉)- 25gm/ 克
Chocolate Chips ( 巧克力粒 ) - 300gm/ 克
Method (做法):
Cookies Dough
Chocolate Chips Cookies
Butter ( 牛油 ) - 300gm / 克
Sugar ( 白糖 ) - 150gm / 克
Brown Sugar ( 红糖 ) - 150gm / 克
Salt ( 盐 ) - 5gm / 克
Egg ( 鸡蛋 )- 150gm / 克
Vanilla Essence ( 香草精 )- 1/4 tsp
Flour ( 面粉 )- 500gm / 克
Baking Powder (发粉)- 10gm/ 克
Soda (苏打粉)- 25gm/ 克
Chocolate Chips ( 巧克力粒 ) - 300gm/ 克
Method (做法):
1. Cream butter, sugar, salt until fluffy, add in eggs & vanilla essence, continue creaming then add in flour mixture.
2. Finally fold in chocolate chips , portion with table spoon into baking tray and bake at 190c for 15 minute.
加入巧克力粒混和均匀,利用汤匙掏放在烤盘上,以190c 烤15分钟.Cookies Dough
Chocolate Chips Cookies
Wednesday, 17 August 2011
International Cocktail / 国際的なカクテル/国际调酒 Part 3
Wow ~ i really addicted with cocktail mixing~ i love it so much ~and hope your guys will continue support my cocktails in future XD !! Let's start our recipe now.
Dry Martini
Ingredients :
45ml Gin
2drops of Dry Vermouth
Glassware : Martini Glass
Garnish : Olive / Lemon Zest
Method : Stir & Strain ( but i prefer build and slightly stir )
1. Pour Gin into shaker then add in 2 drops of Dry Vermouth.
2. Stir it and strain into chilled martini glass.
3. Garnish with Lemon Zest or Olive.
Method : Stir & Strain ( but i prefer build and slightly stir )
1. Pour Gin into shaker then add in 2 drops of Dry Vermouth.
2. Stir it and strain into chilled martini glass.
3. Garnish with Lemon Zest or Olive.
Strawberry Margarita
45ml Tequila
15ml Lime Juice
15ml Sugar Syrup
3nos Fresh Strawberry
Glassware : Jumbo Champagne Saucer
Garnish : Strawberry
Method : Blend
1. Pour Tequila, Triple Sec, Lime Juice , Grenadine and Strawberry into Blender Jug.
2. Add in Crushed Ice and Blend into Ice-Blended.
3.Pour into Jumbo Champagne Saucer.
4. Garnish with nos of strawberry on the rim of glass.
Method : Blend
1. Pour Tequila, Triple Sec, Lime Juice , Grenadine and Strawberry into Blender Jug.
2. Add in Crushed Ice and Blend into Ice-Blended.
3.Pour into Jumbo Champagne Saucer.
4. Garnish with nos of strawberry on the rim of glass.
Whisky Sour
30ml Lime Juice
15ml Sugar Syrup
Glassware: Champagne Flute/ Martini Glass
Garnish : Lime Slice
Method : Shake and Pour1. Pour Whisky, Lime Juice and Sugar Syrup into shaker and shake it.
2. Pour in shaken ingredients into ice-filled cocktail glass and top up with Soda water.
3. Garnish with Lime Slice
Method : Shake and Pour
2. Pour in shaken ingredients into ice-filled cocktail glass and top up with Soda water.
3. Garnish with Lime Slice
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